
The Ecotone Illustration

Hyperspace is a higher dimensional, “sub-region” co-existing within a space, that allows one to traverse simultaneously, and between two instants of time. The traveler thus,  exists  across  multiple timelines at once.

Donna Haraway through Staying with the Trouble proposes sympoesis as our next step toward an ecological harmony, moving away from autopoesis or “self-making,” “self-forming,” “self-sustaining.”

Hyperspace-X is a project that speculates a form of poesis wherein an abstract space, the tesseract, is used as a prosthetic for a species to interact with itself and others simultaneously across different timelines. Through this, the species is intended to communicate, learn, and evolve from the plethora of ecological phenomena.

In the illustration, a being visits the Patna Opium Factory at two different timelines simultaneously, using the tesseract as a prosthetic. Here, the Balling Room of the factory is reimagined as a space where the columns remain for eons and have entered in a sympoesis with the neighboring species; thus the trees  are  imagined  to grow with the columns as trunks. The tesseract, a speculative hyperspace is inspired by the four-dimensional space as depicted in the movie Interstellar (2014). It is aggregated to form a cube from its constituent planes. These planes assume the surface characteristics from the several lithographic drawings and the site plan of the factory. The planes are then extruded against one another internally and thereby forming a complex spatial system from within. The tesseract is then imagined to project the being into multiple timelines simultaneously. Consequently, the columns are in a state of glitch due to their simultaneity in different timelines.

The Tesseract